Finding your passion is like shopping for shoes if you think that once you know what your passion is, life becomes clear and without confusion and hard work, you are in for a BIG surprise. I discovered my love for shoes quite early in life. At the age of 12, I found myself craving for every other new shoe in the store next door. Later with every new dress, there was a addition to my shoe collection.
The first thing I notice when I meet someone is their shoes. I would be lying if I say that I don't judge them on basis of their shoes. Perfect shoes to me is perfect mind state. My pre-assumptions started getting a closer look to reality as I started reading about shoes in various magazines and books. I read about the history of shoes, the current trend, the designs and anything that had to do with shoes.
You don't have to be a shoes fashionista to find excitement in shoes. After my insight into shoes, you will see shoes in another way. Shoes can give women a certain confidence no other accessory can give. For example wearing a fabulous, high quality pair of high stilettos pumps can make all the difference. They are the perfect choice if you want your legs to be admired by everyone. Just knowing that you look fantastic can boost your confidence level and get through the most difficult situations.
Reading Stuff:
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